Pictured above are knives that were donated recently and that were on display at the historic Pan-Am Exposition in Buffalo, NY in 1901. We are so very fortunate to have received knives, swords and edged tools each month from donors from all over the country. We also receive wonderful photos, historic billheads, and related edged tool items. The written, oral, and photographic histories are priceless. We continue to seek items and histories of these noteworthy components of the "American Experience".
Nothing worthwhile is free. We need financial support for our current environment and to fund our future aspirations for growth. We need to add to our library, add to our teaching capability, and fund our displays. Your one time or continued support commitment is critical to our success.
We need volunteers. Please step up and be a part of history yourselves! We have just completed 12 years of being open 4 days a week, year-round, and totally staffed by volunteers.
Why not contact us and tell us how you can help??
Help us build a new museum building, celebrating all edged tool and cutlery manufacture! Our emphasis will continue to be on preservation, yes, but more importantly on creating an environment conducive to educating the public and offering apprenticeships for key historic skill formation.